Friday, August 2, 2013

Romance Awareness Month

It's Romance Awareness Month!

Valentine's and your wedding day don't have to be the only times you spike up the romance! Take some time this month to reflect, plan, and try to be a little more romantic as a couple. 

It doesn't hurt to take some time to work on Romance. No couple is perfect, and with work/stress/life it is necessary to take some time to really focus on your romance as a couple. 

So~ We have some romance tips and date ideas to
help you spark up your flame this month: 

  • Take a walk on the beach or in the park at sunset
  • Always kiss before bed and before you walk out the door
  • Cuddle when you watch tv together
  • Remind them how much they mean to you
  • Spend an afternoon in a book shop, share a coffee and sit down with your significant other
  • Serve your partner breakfast in bed
  • Rent a tandem bike and go for a ride! 
  • Remind them of how attracted to them you are.
  • Wear their favorite outfit on you
  • Go on a diet together or grab some healthy food from your local market together
  • Have a picnic- if it's raining set one up inside!!
  • Keep your words kind= NEVER say the D (divorce) word OR the H (hate) word when you get in a fight.
  • Plan a camping trip with just the two of you. 
  • Turn the lights off, light some candles, and have two glasses of wine
  • Put a blindfold on your partner and drive them to a surprise destination (have dinner, picnic, or special movie)
  • Watch the Newlywed game together and try to answer the questions!
  • Say the things you love best about each other
  • Make a fort and watch a movie together- or set up the tent inside!
  • Buy your lady some roses or chocolates
  • Make your man his most favorite meal or dessert
  • Order a heart shaped pizza
  • Make cards for each other. They can be funny, touching, etc..
  • Leave notes around the house for your partner letting them know how much you appreciate/love them
  • Bring your partner lunch
  • Have flowers sent to your lady's workplace
  • Massages!
  • Go outdoors- go for a hike, canoe, or kayak
  • Look up recipes, go grocery shopping, and cook a meal together (do all of this together!)
  • Text or call your partner randomly and let them know how much you love them
  • Arrange a special day off of work and plan a day off
  • Do a dance class together or plan a workout class together!
  • Go out to eat at a place you've never eaten before! Maybe try food you never thought you'd eat or in a place you haven't eaten before like on a boat cruise?!
  • Go to the shooting range together
  • Paint a picture with each other
  • Help out around your community or donate together
  • Go to a water park or carnival
  • Car wash date! Get out the bucket, hose, and suds and wash your cars!
  • Go on a tour (haunted, historical, carriage, house) 
  • Build or do crafts together for your home!
  • Play a game like 20 questions with each other
  • Do something extreme together- skydive, air balloon rides, surf, get tattoos or piercings, hang-glide, etc.
Hope you enjoyed our tips! 
We're going to make a romance board on 
our Pinterest with these activities so stay posted :D