Monday, September 24, 2012

Nicole and Matt's Wedding at the Garden Room

Nicole and Matt were married on September 9th, 2012 at our Garden Room or Eden Prairie.

I went in to the Garden Room on Friday while they were setting up to see the progress as well as get a little bit of insight from the busy bride!

They were women, and men, on a mission! Each member of the wedding task force was working very hard. I was VERY impressed by the way they moved from area to area making it just perfect for the big day ahead!

I took Nicole aside and asked her a few questions to get some insight into the mind of the bride!

Their history!
Nicole and Matt met each other through mutual friends at a barbecue. They were friends for 6 months and then started dating. They were together for 2 and a half years before he proposed :)

They booked with the Garden Room in February of 2012. Nicole had heard about the Garden Room from some of her clients (she works at a salon). She also took a look at the Garden Room's Facebook.

She enjoyed working with Cindy, our event coordinator, because of her fun and easy going personality. She also claimed that the process was easier to go through with Cindy there to help her out!

Nicole wants all future brides to know out there that you shouldn't put things off until last minute. You think that the easy things can be put off and putt off, but they will not seem so easy if you put them off until the last second. So plan your time out wisely.

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