Sunday, January 20, 2013

Another Wedding Fair Success!

The Wedding Fair, Jan. 13th, 2013.

What better way to welcome in the new year than to go to the Wedding Fair?! We were very honored to once again attend the Minneapolis Wedding Fair on Jan. 13th! 

Here at the Garden Room, we really felt this wedding fair would be a hit. With the holidays, new year, and romantic snowy weather, we really felt there would be a lot more future brides and recently engaged couples roaming the floor.

Not only did we see so many new faces, but we were also blessed with the opportunity to be recognized by SO many more brides than our last visit to the Wedding Fair! 

We also saw a few of our old friends who took advantage of the opportunity to "ahh" the 
recently engaged brides. 

From the future brides to the mothers-in-charge, we were able to stay busy marketing to the public the whole 11-4 shift! 

Although we were keeping busy, we still wanted to make sure we had the opportunity to see some of the fashion show this year so we could show some styles to our readers. 

Here are a few images from the  David's Bridal Line.

 Love the colors!

Here are a few images from the Posh Bridal Line. 

 What pretty dresses!

Love those suits!

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