Sunday, March 24, 2013

Green Wedding Anyone?

 Bring on the Green

Today, so many brides are trying to find new and exciting ways to spice up their wedding and add a splash of color to their decor. Green is a big color for spring weddings so we decided to post a few cute ideas to show people how they can "go green". 

~Here's one way to show off your green spirit~ 

Here are some great SHADES of green for your wedding party! This is such a fun idea that can really add the extra "wow"factor to your special day.

This is also one great way to get your future hubby all dressed up in your colors! Sharp yet fun. 

 How about some yummy green treats? 

Now for decor ideas! 
Pretty vases.

Cute gift ideas- colored candies or apples?!

and here's an ALLLL GREEEEENNN set up that we think it simply magical!

Well, we hope you enjoyed our green ideas! Don't forget to follow the Garden Room on Pintrest.

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